Jane(34) Masturbates Furiously When She Breastfeeds Her Baby

Pregnancy does funny things to us, doesn't it just. During my first pregnancy, all those surging hormones made me feel, well rather horny quite frankly (please Dad stop reading).

I had a brutally honest colleague at the time, who was also pregnant, and quite open about how she'd used her vibrator to help induce labour - and because, she, erm, couldn't leave herself alone.

I know being 'with child' can make some women go off sex (and that was me during pregnancy two), but if you're in the randy camp and your bedroom is becoming like a scene from Game of Thrones (without the swords and killings), you may be enjoying a bit of self love on a regular basis. Oh yes.

So if you have some questions that need answering, or quite frankly are just nosey, check out our list of 14 things you need to know about masturbation and pregnancy:


Just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you can't enjoy a bit of self love (or full sex). In fact, you may actually feel sexier with all those hormones rushing around your body, so get on board the masturbation train my friend and enjoy the ride.

iStock.com / ChristopherBernard

Fact of the day to impress everyone at your antenatal class (if you're brave enough): having orgasms may actually reduce the chance of giving birth early. Who knew?! So if you want to go full term, enjoy yourself, quite literally.

iStock.com / IPGGutenbergUKLtd

If you're a fan of the ole' sex toy, there's no reason to stop using them now (as long as you're enjoying a healthy pregnancy). Go easy with a vibrator as it's harder than a willy, but stock up on those batteries and away you go.


...but keep them clean. A vaginal infection could increase the risk of having your baby early. Wash, rinse and dry them before you make that playdate with yourself.


Annnnnd to help lower the risk of infection even more, the advice is to wash yourself before and after, as well as having a wee. Damn it - get that shower involved in your, erm, 'night in with the girls'.


Using sex toys while you're pregnant may actually be more sexually satisfying than before (ooo-errrr). The increased blood flow to your nether regions, plus hormonal changes can make orgasms more intense.


Having a little 'me time', or sex, is all good for your wellbeing - and that means it's good for your baby and relationship too. As if you needed an excuse...but my watch is definitely saying it is 'me o'clock'.

Safety first though ladeeezz: don't use sex toys in the full depth of your foof if your doctor or midwife has advised against sex. This may be because you have a low-lying placenta or a weak cervix.


...and avoid sharing sex toys. It can be risky, especially in a same-sex relationship. The safest option is not to share. Also be careful and clean about using the same sex toy between, ermm, different orifices!


Some mums-to-be (and dads-to-be) worry about hurting the baby when having sex or masturbating, but you won't hurt your baby. The thick mucus plug that seals your cervix guards against infection and the amniotic sac and strong muscles of the womb protect the growing bubba. Crack on with the fun!

iStock.com / aldomurillo

Having an orgasm or tweaking your nipples may bring on mild Braxton Hicks contractions. But fear not, they're far too mild to bring on labour. So get tweaking. *Snigger*

iStock.com / GetUpStudio

Having an orgasm may make a baby move around more. This is because your heartbeat quickens, not because your baby knows what's happening or in discomfort. Phew.


Spoiler alert, spoiler alert: many women find their clitoris is slightly less sensitive during pregnancy or that their orgasms are less powerful. It's also fairly common for women to say they can't reach orgasm as easily when pregnant. WTF?!


...and another spoiler alert coming at cha': increased blood flow to your pelvic area during pregnancy can cause your genitals to engorge, and heighten sexual sensation. But some women report that this leaves them with an uncomfortable full feeling after intercourse ends. Not good. Not. Good. At. All.

Pregnant? Sign up for our free online antenatal classes.

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This is a post by a contributing parent and the opinions expressed are their own. If you're concerned about your child speak to your healthcare provider.

Jane(34) Masturbates Furiously When She Breastfeeds Her Baby

Source: https://www.babycentre.co.uk/blog/mum_stories/14-things-you-need-to-know-about-masturbation-and-pregnancy

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