Can You Treat a Dog With Parvo at Home

Adrienne is a certified dog trainer and quondam veterinarian assistant who partners with some of the best veterinarians worldwide.

How to help your puppy recover from parvovirus at home.

How to aid your puppy recover from parvovirus at home.

Parvo Treatments or Palliatives?

Parvo is a disease that should not be underestimated. Information technology is highly contagious and very deadly. This article is for those that have tried handling at the vet'due south function and cannot afford the further costs of inserting an 4 line along with farther hospitalization.

Please be advised that home treatments may take poor results when compared to hospitalization and fluid replacement. Please besides exist enlightened that there are many other conditions that may resemble parvo, and then it is best if your puppy gets a parvo exam by the vet equally soon as symptoms arise.

How Is Parvo Diagnosed?

A parvo test is a quick fecal test that can exist performed at virtually vet offices and the results are immediate. In general, it costs effectually $40–eighty without considering the price of a vet visit.

I have personally had a canis familiaris diagnosed with parvo, and $1,300 dollars later, I felt and still experience the heavy burden of the 2-night hospitalization at an emergency room. My pup did go far, but just considering information technology was caught early and he had a good dose of luck.

The below information should not be considered a substitute for medical advice, nor has information technology been proven to successfully treat all cases of parvo.

Rottweilers are unfortunately very prone to getting parvo.

Rottweilers are unfortunately very prone to getting parvo.

Puppy Parvo Home Remedies

We must first recognize that the existent cause of death in puppies is not parvovirus itself, only the aridity that follows the copious amounts of airsickness and diarrhea. A puppy may non be able to hold downwards any h2o, thus keeping his chances of staying hydrated very slim.

In such severe cases, fluids need to be administered subcutaneously or through an Four at a vet'due south function. This is where things can get plush. If this is not an option for y'all, and your puppy is otherwise stable, y'all can try to help the pup rehydrate and offer at-home support in several ways.

Home Remedies for Puppies With Parvo

  • Help them hydrate. Offering a bowl of half h2o and half unflavored Pedialyte. This can help supplant the pup's lost electrolytes. Pedialyte may help to a certain extent, but if the pup is too weak or is unable to keep liquids down, the simply solution is subcutaneous or Four fluids at the vet's part.
  • Check hydration levels. Hydration levels tin can be checked by trying to lift or "tent" the skin to a higher place the shoulder blades (or back). If the pare snaps promptly back into place, hydration levels are fine. If it takes a while to return to shape or remains tented, the pup will demand to exist hydrated ASAP.
  • Offer palatable food. If the puppy is able to keep some food down without vomiting, substitute dry food with canned babe nutrient (make sure onion or garlic is non listed in the ingredients). H2o the food down and offer it. If he/she refuses to eat, yous can attempt to make full a dropper with the liquid mix and dropper-feed a little bit at a time. Proceed in listen that parvo puppies suffer from terrible nausea and most will reject to eat or potable. This farther brings free energy levels downward and puts a college burden on the already sick puppy.
  • Boost glucose levels. Rub the pup's gums with some Karo syrup to bring back his glucose levels.
  • Cheque the gums. A canis familiaris's gums assistance to distinguish a stable dog from a disquisitional dog. Bubblegum-pink gums are a skillful sign, whereas white, grayish or dark scarlet gums bespeak that the pup's life is in danger and they need to see a vet ASAP. If the gums are pressed with a finger (to determine capillary refill time) and practise not plow to their normal color inside seconds, this indicates that the pup should see a vet ASAP.
  • Consider homeopathy. There are some special homeopathic remedies available. Ane of them is Parvaid (now called Paxxin), offered past Amber Engineering science. Bister Technology has a long list of positive reviews on their website. Another homeopathic remedy that is offered on the market is PetAlive Parvo-K. Parvoguard is a tertiary promising production. These products can be found in large pet stores or online. With Amazon Prime nowadays, such products can be shipped chop-chop.

Forbid the Virus From Infecting Other Puppies

Delight be considerate and attempt your all-time to prevent other puppies in your surrounding areas from beingness infected. Parvo tin survive for several years in dog waste product, on grass and in indoor environments. It can be hands transported to other areas and spread by your shoes, clothes, etc.

Please try your all-time to clean all contaminated areas and disinfect with special products that kill parvo such every bit Ken'L-Lan.

Video: A Puppy With Parvo Being Treated past a Vet

Further Reading

  • Parvo Symptoms and Using Parvaid every bit Handling
    Parvo home remedy Parvo is a devestating disease that affects in detail puppies. A puppy affected with Parvo has slight chances of survival. The consistent airsickness and diarrhea volition take a toll for the worse on a puppy with an already...
  • How to Impale the Parvo Virus from your Canis familiaris'south Environm...
    Parvo is a deadly virus that stays agile at home and in the yard for quite some time. Larn how to impale the virus and why you should wait earlier opening your domicile to a new dog.

Read More than From Pethelpful

This article is accurate and truthful to the best of the author's knowledge. Information technology is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should exist seen by a veterinary immediately.

Questions & Answers

Question: What should I practice if my domestic dog doesn't desire to drink anything?

Answer: If your puppy has parvo and won't drink, or if he does potable but brings everything dorsum upwards, you should have him to the vet so they tin can start him on some intravenous (4) fluids. The biggest killer of parvo is dehydration since parvo puppies are often reluctant to take liquids by rima oris and are also at the same time losing body fluid from the copious vomiting and diarrhea associated with this disease.

Question: My 3-month-one-time Zuchon puppy has a parvovirus infection. What should I do?

Reply: If your puppy was diagnosed with parvo, the best chances for survival involve IV fluids from your vet to preclude dehydration from the vomiting and diarrhea along with an Iv antibody and an anti-emetic to prevent further vomiting.

Question: What is the cure for parvovirus?

Answer: Parvo is a viral infection and there is currently no drug that has been proven to effectively set on the virus straight so all that tin can be done is to provide supportive care and treat any symptoms. The goal is supporting the dog until its own immune system tin can eliminate the virus.

Question: I don't know if it's actually parvo, but my puppy is experiencing virtually of the symptoms. How do I know for certain?

Answer: Parvo in puppies oftentimes causes extremely foul smelling diarrhea. The ultimate answer as to whether your puppy has parvo comes from a quick in-house test you can have done by your vet. Please have your puppy to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Parvo "snap" exam is a very accurate test. Bloodwork in a puppy with parvo would as well likely bear witness leukopenia (low white blood cells) and neutropenia (low neutrophils) which, forth with the parvo test, is supportive of a parvo diagnosis.

Question: How volition I know whether my Chihuahua is infected with parvo. And would I be able to give her a vaccine ?

Reply: Your vet tin can confirm parvo past running a unproblematic exam and results can render in as trivial as 10 minutes. If the puppy is deemed good for you, then vaccinations can be given by your vet.

© 2008 Adrienne Farricelli

Chitundu on July 21, 2020:

Why is garlic or onion not suppose to be role of the food ingredients for a dog infected with parvovirus?

And what is the medicine recommended to disinfect dwelling house surrounding?

Angel on July 01, 2020:

I don't have money to have my pup at the vet I want to care for him at home what should I do and what medication that I used to care for him?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June thirteen, 2020:

Hi Lisa,

I am so sorry to hear about your pup. Sometimes they get worse rather than better and brand a turn around after 72 hours- if they are going to make it. By giving IV fluids, you lot're doing the best you lot can (it's the gilded standard treatment) as dehydration is what commonly kills them. Some parvo pups volition go a few days without eating. Eating may trigger more than nausea and vomiting which leads to more than dehydration so we need to thread with caution. A few drops of honey or syrup rubbed on the gums tin help perk them up. Go on in contact with the vet to give updates and encounter if there are other options yous tin can try. Some vets suggest Nutrical given in pocket-size amounts very slowly, but if this triggers more vomiting it may do more harm than good. Consult with your vet.

lisa on June thirteen, 2020:

my pit English terror pup has parvo and she was doing improve with iv and med and now today she is going down colina wont eat barely drinks but i have giving her four and med one thousand i'm scared she non going to make it in that location the dark please assistance

on January 03, 2020:

help, i need remedy for my shih and a new built-in puppies

Crystal Walker on Dec 06, 2019:

So I'one thousand using Karo syrup and peanut butter deluted with milk and water and feeding my puppy past syringe drops I'thou also cleaning the house with bleach. I'm hoping to see a change soon. Does anyone know if I'm doing this right?

DogTipster on Feb x, 2019:

Awesome information on how to treat a pet with parvo. We use Electrolytes and Vitamins for dogs to help keep the puppies hydrated and provide nutrients when they are unable to eat due to throwing up. We noticed that iii things kill a puppy with parvo, dehydration, malnourishment, and secondary infection. Bullyade helps with all three and so figured i would share for your viewers and personal info.

Andy on June 05, 2018:

I have a puppy I recall got parcel. She not eat are really drink. She throw upwardly everything you requite her in drop.

My puppy had parvo on Jan 30, 2018:

Hi everyone,

I hope this helps someone. My puppy came downward with parvo three days ago. I noticed early thankfully but I didn't have enough coin to send him to the vet. I prayed and fasted and googled at home remedies and came across peptol bismal and activated charcoal with salt water. Nosotros gave him (and his blood brother who hadnt shown symptoms yet) 1 tbsp of peptol bismal followed by one crushed tablet of activated charcoal mixed with common salt water. We gave this in 5 60 minutes intervals . I am so greatful to God to say they are doing well. Total of energy and they've stopped producing bloody diarrhea!!!!

Mary Clendenen on June 04, 2017:

You have had iii puppies recently come down with parvo even though they didn't seem to accept all the symptoms the vet definitely said it was parvo. We have been treating the puppies with Pedialyte and Pepto Bismol. To have completely recovered and the 3rd is on their manner.

Tia on May 22, 2017:

My daughter took in a stray puppy that was abased and not evan 2 weeks later another puppy different breed that was homeless. She has had them both well-nigh a month. Well the first pup came down with parvo suddenly. She took it to the vet and 236.00 subsequently she is having to inject the dog herself with a iv handbag for dehydration . I establish this very odd for a vet to ship her home doing this seeing as she has no medical background. They did demonstrate and show her how. And they accept been doing it forth with the medications. Finaicely, they are struggling themselves. Well, now the other puppy has contracted information technology. I have read your dwelling remedy. And I will suggest these to them. I think it is honorable and humane that they are taking these dogs on. I merely was wandering if there are any resources that can help them with this second pups meds. She lives in Tulsa, Ok. Whatsoever suggestions they would certainly appreciate it. Oh , they did try to go the 2d pup vaccinated at the vet before it contracted the virus and they said they could non vaccinate it until they new for certain he didn't have information technology. Which is understandable. They only cant afford it. I volition say the first pup seems to be coming effectually. So, they are treating 2nd pup with some of the remainder of medicine they have. But they need help with getting more. Thankyou.

..gave him the on March 30, 2017:

My iv month old Blue pit has Parvo for ii days And now he want do anything and I have done the pedilyte and All Gave him the nine-i shot the the day of..when coming downward With it How can I hydrate him quicker without making him sicker every bit I syringe Feed him

purpleskies on Apr 17, 2016:

howdy, i took home my Sachi from the clinice after existence confined for a week. i had to discharge her considering we don't have any funds anymore. She has vomitted 2x is at that place anything that I cold do to aid with the vomitting?

Give thanks you

Shauntell on December eleven, 2015:

I got a puppy about a calendar week agone named him Ivan and got his shots around 3pm 12/8/xv and as shortly every bit we left he started throwing upwards.

I thought he just wasnt feeling good from the shots and by midnight i brought him to the emergency vet 12/ix/15

They tested him for parvo and it came back positive. Merely one lite blue dot (if that says anything)

They gave me ii options, 1 to be hospitalized and they treat him. Or i treat him at domicile.

I didnt feel comfortable with how they kept maxim the chances of survival fifty-fifty with existence hospitalized is a very veey depression chance. They gave him a fluid pouch in his side, some 24 hr nausea medicine, and some other stuff.

They gave me "metronidazole suspension 100mg/ml"

.3 ml every 12 hrs for seven days and "reglan solution 10Cc" .v every 8 hours for 3-5days.

I have been giving him raw eggs, pedailyte, and childrens pepto. The starting time day(12/9/15)he was simply sleeping alot. I did alot of praying and stayed up all night looking after him making sure he was okay. The next morning i gave the meds every bit directed and from looking on sites i read to give the eggs, pedailyte and pepto.

All day yesterday (12/10/xv) he was very active running around, playing, chasing my feet, no throwing up (he had diarrhea 3 times since the infirmary)

Around 3am he threw up, i gave him more pedailyte etc.. today he is not really holding much down..

Its only 8am but i just desire to make sure im doing the right things.

Is there anything else i can requite him to stop the throwing up?

I broke the childrens pepto in one-half grinded it up and put it in a medicine cup with pedailyte and give him that every few hours throught the 24-hour interval.

Simply a half of a pepto pill a day.

I dont have a kennel to lock him up in but he stayes in his bed(nearly of the solar day) that i keep close to me where ever im at. Is it bad that i let him run effectually yesterday? Keeping the firm cleaned and every time he poops on his poty pad i poor bleach in it and throw information technology away. Ive gave him a bath wed and just been using wipes to make clean him upward since. He seemed so much improve yesterday than today. :'( any suggestions are very appreciated

Cheers guys so much.

-Shauntell D

caroline on July fourteen, 2015:

Delight someone help me.... My eight week old yorkie has been diagnosed with parvo.. my vet sent usa dwelling with a strong antibiotic some nausea medicine and some flea medicine. The first solar day he was up jumping, eating and drinking..... That was yesterday. Today he is down again. We take been having to force water and baby food. We are also are trying to give him Pedialyte . I take been doing a lot of inquiry and I keep reading about colloidal silver. Someone please tell me how much. The one I bought is 250ppm. Please someone assist me help my tiny baby.

petsaver on October 17, 2014:

I tried everything and learned the costly way and my pet died. I had anoth dog with parvovirus and this fourth dimension i spent $x and he is upwards and running around. Endeavour Parv-gone and see it piece of work in i mean solar day. best stuff on earth for parvo, dont be fooled with the bull crap time and costly vet recommendations. Your pet is dying! end taking advantage of us pet owners and charge u.s. an arm and a leg to salvage our loved i.

riley on August 04, 2014:

My 6week old rescued pit balderdash mix puppy has parvo, and he is then weak he cant fifty-fifty walk he deceit go on liquids downwardly and I was wondering is premature baby formula would help? I live off of my ssi check which is not a lot and I am doing everything I tin can think to help him, like bird feeding him water and mixing tin wet food with water and helping him swallow but he tin can no longer walk on his own and is skin and bones despite everything I do I am losing my heed and oasis't slept in three days trying to administrate treat him but im terrified of losing him. I cant find a vet willing to do a payment plan and im doing the Best I Peradventure can. Please if anyone knows of a vet or anything helpful in the pittsburgh expanse PLEASE let me know it would exist appreciated beyond conventionalities.

thanks have a not bad day.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 29, 2014:

Happy to hear your dog was able to overcome parvo! on May 29, 2014:

My pup got parvo and I'yard proud to say that i gave him pedialyte and keopectade and half of a penicillin iii times a day and some homemade craven vegetables soup and he is doing so practiced now I'yard glad I was able to discover these comments on this site

BODYLEVIVE from Alabama, USA on May 29, 2014:

Years ago nosotros lost a pup to parvo considering nosotros didn't know what was wrong with him and he died. During that time, we had never heard of this devastating affliction, it wasn't until about 10 years ago that we started to hear more than and more nigh information technology. Thankfully we have establish out about information technology and if it always happens over again, we'll know what to do. Cheers for sharing.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 12, 2014:

The biggest business organization is keeping them hydrated, that'southward why it'southward then important for them to be hospitalized every bit they'll get fluids as needed, which is something challenging to practise at dwelling house, as fluids by mouth may crusade more than vomiting, especially when also much is given at once. Licking ice cubes tin can assistance.. Here are some guidelines given past a vet. familiaris-health/24uef-treatin... Parvo is a devastating disease.

I hope your pup makes a complete recovery.

Kathy van Vuuren on March 12, 2014:

Howdy, I am sitting with a 6 calendar month sometime daxie puppy that has parvo. He has been at the vet since last calendar week Friday. Been on 4 I call back of glucose. Was given something for nausea, he has diarohea just its not encarmine. I have decided to collect him and treat him at home as I dont go proper updates and when they removed the drip last nighttime he crashed to the point of being ice cold. Vet bill at 4k and that is my limit. What else can I do to brand him more comfortable and to go him to eat? His diarohhea is non bloody either. I take probiotics to become the gut working and I have clopamon for nausea, what else can I do? Thank you in advance. Tomorrow will be twenty-four hour period 6. all she says is his very flat which I presume is listless? please requite me advice

danica ramirez on Jan 29, 2014:

Thanks for info.. I should update my dog vaccine... merely still I worried for my canis familiaris dachshun

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 28, 2014:

Hither is a vet's answer to a similar question and howto impale the virus: familiaris-health/5ctnw-new-pup...

danica ramirez on January 28, 2014:

Howdy my dog just got died 2days ago and got parvo my concern is my another older dog is there any gamble that he might get parvo also. And what should I dog.. I cant beget to lose him too... please tell me althought he got vaccine I worried too... and all I know is I got to update his vaccine please tell me what to do im then stresss .....

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 08, 2013:

Pedialyte works besides well, and some dog who cannot keep down water or any fluids practice better licking some water ice cubes of frozen water, frozen goop (with no garlic or onion in it) or frozen pedialyte or gatorade. I hope your puppy recovers well.

G.A.E Grove from Australia on May 08, 2013:

Thank you for a nifty informative hub, my puppy is sick with parvo and we can't afford to go out him in vet care, so it's antibiotics and lots of water, I have heard Gatorade is skillful then I will have to try that ane ... Once again thanks, it helps to take an understanding of what parvo truly is

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on Jan 16, 2013:

This dog really needs a vet. Try to call around, call shelters, ask for low-price vets, try to borrow a bit of money from different people. Read this article for options: In the meanwhile, as you call, have some family unit member look for parvaid. I retrieve on the parvaid website you can find how to find distributors in your area. Most parvo puppies die from aridity. Yous can give some nutrical paste, pass it a flake on the gums. Any liquids need to be given very slowly a bit at a time, accept you tried ice chips? Try freezing some pedialtye and offering it in chips. It seems like dogs are ameliorate able to keep water ice chips down. Just, please run across your vet. Bank check if her skin springs back promptly or not, she may need fluids past the vet. Some poster to a higher place me said I believe that EMT'southward have been squeamish plenty to supply expired Iv fluids. my very all-time wishes.

logan on January 16, 2013:

and her throw up is like a cloudy dark-brown, it looks mucisy.. earlier i let her out of her cage and she walked around for a few minutes then peed. but after that she layed at that place unresponsive. then, i cleaned her cage out then put her dorsum in it.. she is laying in there now. but we take a lot of animals like horses and cows. and another dog. nosotros accept had her since she was about 6 weeks, in october. but she just now got sick.

Logan on January 16, 2013:

i have a 4 month puppy. i noticed a few days agone she wouldn't eat. later on that mean solar day she did. yesterday she was really weak and she wants to just lay in that location and sleep. she will not potable on her own. we take given her some pedialite and pepto bismo but she but threw that up. and she won't swallow. she acts like she is unresponsive, like she tin can't hear us. i would say this would exist the tertiary day. is at that place annihilation we tin do? i am scared she won't brand it.. but we don't take the money to take her to the vet. delight aid.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on October 21, 2012:

I am surprised they gave her shots existence sick every bit she was. Endeavor to rub some pancake syrup on her gums to requite her a heave of free energy. Attempt ice cubes to lick instead of water for now. She should lick them or yous can boil some goop with no onion or garlic and freeze in the ice cube tray and take her lick them. Wait for Nutrical, a high calorie paste for dogs that do non eat. I would recommend to meet some other vet as it sounds similar she may exist dehydrated once again and need more fluids. Best wishes.

swampylail on October 20, 2012:

i have a 5 month old jack russell, she got ill th airsickness and some dirrehia. carried her to the vet they washed claret work and fecial exam. they said no parvo and everything looks good with her. she was dehydrated they give her parvo shot and vacc shots and injected fluid nether her peel. today is sat and she want potable or eat. boiled pedilyte and pepermint tea bags and chamomile with 2 echinacea capsules. she vomits information technology up. she has no energy. any suggestions on what to exercise? please help.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 08, 2012:

The only over the counter production for Parvo is Parvaid by Bister Technology, you can try your local pet store, just phone call ahead as not all of them carry information technology.

Angela on September 06, 2012:

Can someone please help me & tell me were can I purchase medicen that is not expensive for my puppy he has parvo :(

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 21, 2012:

try giving ice cubes to lick up slowly instead of water. this hub has tips on canis familiaris dehydration:

Heather on May 21, 2012:

I got my puppy at five weeks, the owner said themother quit nursing them so she accept them there firstshot and had us all choice them up. By the next solar day the pup was dying in my arms, took him in, he had parvo, got him treated and now he is6 weeks, he has no free energy, his brother wasn't diagnosed until2 days afterward mine and he was in the hospitol like four days, she got himback 2 days ago, he is eating moisture puppy food but throws upward water, the vet is tellingher its merely an after effect and prescribed something for nausea.Is there annihilation else we can practise for our pups?the brother looks emaciated. By the way these are boxers. Thanks-Heather

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 14, 2012:

I cannot actually supply you with this info as I am non a vet, merely here is a helpful link by a vet: http://world wide

For diarrhea, listen what the vet says in the video:

Best wishes!

Stephanie on May 14, 2012:


My son is contesting Parvo with his x month quondam mixed brood. He went to two vets today to endeavour and go help. He didn't take enough money.....ane wanted 400 and one wanted 800. Of course they wouldn't even let him buy the antibiotics. I am trying to find out what kind of antibiotics are prescribed then that maybe I can get my doctor to call in a prescription for the poor puppy. Also is at that place something that we tin can give her for the diahrea? Cheers for the help

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 11, 2012:

Andrea, I dearest happy stories! All-time wishes for a speedy recovery!

andrea on May ten, 2012:

Currently battling parvo with my 7 wk one-time puppy...i consider mysed somewhat of an expert considering this is day 7 for me! My vet prescribed me an anti nausea med likewise as an antibiotic to foreclose an underlying abdominal issue that tin can often develop. They suggested baby food, jar kind. Chicken and-or sweetness potatoes. I use a medicine dropper to force feed her every 4 hours and exercise the pedialite every 2. Is working well for me and so far. Yesterday she even ate some boiled chicken on her own! Good luck!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 06, 2012:

Keeping water downwards is an splendid sign, but until he gets an ambition and keeps food downwards for a few days I would not say he is out of the woods yet. Make certain you give small portions at a fourth dimension and don't let him guzzle too much water at once. Go wearisome. I promise he recovers soon, my best wishes.

gene on May 05, 2012:

henry was exposed to parvo iv 28. thursday he started showing signs of parvo even though he hed a booster shot monday 4 30 sturday received parvaid at 3pm its now 1045 he has been able to keep h2o downward now for seven hrs but still hasn't eaten should i feel ameliorate or is it false hope

Amy on Apr 28, 2012:

Thanks for all the info guys!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 03, 2012:

practice you mean parvaid?

Hanchenf on April 03, 2012:

My sausage dog of 7 months was diagnosed final Thursday with Pravo, he started vomiting 3am and was taken to the vet at 1pm that twenty-four hours, he only had one loose, bloody bowel. Visiting hours on Thursday he was jumping, excited to see usa, Friday he was in pain, eyes closing and very watery, chunking and did not desire to come up to the cage door. Saturday was the worst, just lying in that location helpless, not doing anything, i pulled his coating towards the gate and comunicated and gave some support. Lord's day was no visiting hours, Monday he was standing, eyes flickering again, very thin. I actully took him out the muzzle and held him for 2 or three minutes. I will see later today what his status is. He is only on IV drip, vitamins and antibiotics, the airsickness stopped, no loose, watery bowels, gums are white, i want to effort the Parvo Guard, but im non to sure of whatsoever of these products today.......

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 26, 2012:

Yeay! That sounds similar very good news! Keep upwards giving a bit of nutrient at a time to forestall relapses. Sounds similar Diego is a fighter, all-time wishes!

Cali on February 26, 2012:

Give thanks you so much. You helped put my heed at ease nigh the pooping. Today (sat) he was running around giving everyone kisses. He however rested a lot, only I was very excited to see him near playing. I was agape he wouldn't swallow the chicken and rice, but I warmed it as you suggested and he gobbled it downwards. He kept looking for more later I gave him simply a fiddling every hour. I'yard so happy to see his improvements. I call up he will pull through. He had two bowl movements that were some loose some formed. And what actually impressed me was he climbed ii sets of steps each time! (I think he was trying to hide). My daughter named him Diego. He's a total sweetheart. Thank you once more for your assistance.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 25, 2012:

Not pooping may be quite normal if you recall that he may take vomited a lot and non eating much. If there is nothing in the stomach, at that place is null to defecate. Not vomiting is a very good sign! Go along up the treatments as your vet suggested. You lot can entice to eat past warming the chicken and rice slightly before offering it. Become very slow, a little at a time. As long as he stops vomiting and starts eating even if a bit at a fourth dimension, this is very adept. I hope the best for this little guy! best wishes!

Cali on February 25, 2012:

Just got a new puppy at 3 and a one-half months old and plant out the next day he had parvo and worms. I took him to a vet because he wouldn't eat and kept puking. I asked the vet nigh giving DE and she looked at me like I was nuts. We can't afford to hospitalize, so we are treating at home by giving an anti nausea med, fluid under the skin twice a 24-hour interval, and an antibiotic med every eight hrs. I had to get him to swallow pills to deworm. Since starting the meds, he hasn't thrown upward at all. I gave him two pocket-sized feedings of just h2o, now he wants nothing to practice with drinking. I gave him a pocket-sized dropper and a half total of ensure and water mixed- had to force it a little at a time. Vet recommended information technology. So far no puking, only he hasn't pooped at all since I got him, and he's only peed a scattering of times. Is this normal? I'g supposed to try chicken and rice in the morning, merely I'thousand very scared he won't swallow it. He seems to be hydrated enough considering of fluid nether skin, and it is good he's not puking I judge. This started wed. I treated with meds 24 hrs after at vet on thurs. information technology's now Fri night. What tin can I do to brand sure he eats? Does all of this sound normal? When should he have a bowel movement? When is he in the articulate? Assistance?!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 11, 2012:

The article already posts a few things you lot tin can do only there is not much more you tin can really exercise at home, especially since you do not for sure if this is Parvo or not. Here are a few tips to lower the fever and bargain with the upset breadbasket,

Just really, you should see the vet as puppies dehydrate fast.

annmarie davis on February 10, 2012:

my puppy of a sudden started to throw up tonigh foist all her dog food now just clear liquids since then she has went poop 1 time and information technology was normal.. her temp is still at 102.3 and her breadbasket is gurggling a bunch.. tin can yous assistance me what to exercise.. I Do I Take NO Mode TO Have HER IN TO A VET.. oh yea she also is still walking herself exterior simply wants to lay down and be left solitary when she comes back in...

Nichole Langham on January 26, 2012:

I'd like to share my natural cure for parvo...

*1-24-12* Got some neat info I wanted to share, final night around 7 or so my friend chosen to tell me about her friend'southward puppy that they simply found out from the vet she had Parvo, she was in the first stages of information technology which is lethargy and loss of appetite... So they came over to pick up some Food Class Diatomaceous Globe (D.Due east.) (which kills viruses and leaner rapidly) and arsenicum album. which is the homeopathic remedy of choice for Parvo... she gave iv doses of the arsenicum anthology (2 pills placed in a two ounce amber spritzer bottle, hit on palm of hand 8 times before each dose) final night i dose per hour for four hours and I think two doses of the DE at 1/2 teaspoon per dose. I told her for today to give the arsenicum every 3 hours and the DE 2-3 times (she actually gave a dose of the Arsenicum and the DE both every 2-3 hours throughout the second mean solar day). So this morning at 10:30 I called to check in on the puppy and she had got up and gone downstairs TWICE to go potty already! Then I got a telephone call an 60 minutes and a half later and the puppy was eating some craven! She hadn't started drinking all the same but already those two things are great improvements! Thank God for His perfect medicine!!! Will keep yall updated as I hear them...

*Update at 7pm i-24-12

So far she's been eating more, going outside on her own to potty and playing with her momma, not drinking only peeing and then she's still improving greatly, woohoo!!!

* 1-26-12* Ok new update as of today, she began drinking today and is eating and acting normally again!!! WOW , 3 days from start of treatment to being back to a healthy state, I've recommended she continue at least one dose of DE everyday for the next 3 weeks but to brand sure she doesn't catch it over again, plus it has other health benefits. This treatment had fast results and if everything was purchased new for this specific instance would accept run well-nigh $15 total, that's a HUGE divergence between the other two options which is to let the domestic dog dice or hospitalize it which is extremely expensive every bit it runs for 5-7 days time with intensive intendance. I think I'd rather practice the natural method that'due south much cheaper, much more effective, and much faster for healing. : D

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 25, 2012:

Cesar, vomiting every few hours is better than airsickness and having diarrhea. Go very slowly on giving fluids, offer water ice cubes to lick, or freeze some gatorade. Best wishes.

cesar on January 23, 2012:

i have a 5 month old pit puppy and he has the parvo virus. Hes been throwing upwardly and having bloody poop for a few twenty-four hour period and hasn't been eating or drinking until today he started drinking some gatorade on his own and is vomiting every few hours merely no poop today. Does that mean hes getting ameliorate?

Tysmom09 on Jan 06, 2012:

Well I accept a domestic dog unknown of the breed merely he is adorable small and cute.. The mother (Lilly) gave nativity to the 4 pups a week before Thanksgiving three girls and ane male child. Well only recent the female parent passed away my nieces mentioned she was getting lazy and vomiting the next morning she was seen laying in here cage expressionless. It was so lamentable because the pups were nudging and licking her to get up.. Well I adopted one of the pups the lil boy and since then I have become attached I simply have had em for four days at present and my life have changed drastically he'southward motherless, he wont eat nor drinkable and now he has go lazy and vomiting articulate liquids. I wondered what was going on? I called every vet in the city for a reasonable consultation price. Finally I found a dispensary near domicile and took him to and they did a fecal test, giardia, and parvo exam. I was then anxious to become the results the lady told me to come up to the back room and in that location information technology was my lil pup was diagnosed with Parvo(Extreme). I broke in tears Im so hurt I never knew a dog would make you feel this manner. Da doctor gave me a quote of the process needed I knew for a fact I was unable to pay 668.00 so she gave me some alternatives and gave him a dose of fluids till da am. I hope these meds piece of work considering I would hate to wake up to a dead pup. But my prayers go out to him I pray he get well I miss seeing him so blithesome....(TEARY EYED) Someone help me cope with this state of affairs.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 01, 2012:

Michael, I wished I could requite y'all a clear answer! It really depends on a multifariousness of factors, just as in people recovering from a flu, some take days, some take weeks. It depends on your pup's immune level, treatment, the severity of the illness and other factors. Eating is a very good sign! Your vet should accept tested for Parvo, not certain why he did non. Requite food slowly, in modest amounts rather than all at once and make sure he is well hydrated (calculation some h2o to baby food and canned food may assist). Lots of honey and a positive attitude can practice a lot! Keeping Bodie in my prayers!

Michael on Jan 01, 2012:

My akita/lab mix five month old puppy I believe got parvo on monday it is now sunday. He started with diariaha and vomiting every 45minutes. I took him to the vet and $750 and ii days after he was able to come home. He has been home for two days and he is eating a lot, four jars of baby nutrient and a half tin can of pedigree domestic dog food in ane twenty-four hours. I call up he is recovering but I am so scared. He is walking around quite a fleck and drinking on his own. How long on average does it have a puppy to recover? Please any advice volition assist.

Pray for Bodie.. Please I love this puppy and so much I cant lose him.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December xi, 2011:

Definitively, practise not give cow milk, it may cause diarrhea and give stomach problems. Continue hydrating her as much as yous can, a little bit at a time. Y'all can use some infant food made with meat just with no garlic or onion as ingredients and dilute information technology with warm water and try feeding her with a dropper or see if she will eat it on her own (y'all can endeavour to put some on your finger and have her lick information technology). Give a little a bit at a time like every 2-3 hours, hopefully she will keep it down. Best wishes.

Worried T on December 11, 2011:

howdy i brought dwelling house mu puppy yesterday morning she was repose and i idea she was jus getting accustom to the surroundings during the day she jus slept, i gave her chow merely she wont eat and then i gave her milk and she drank that..all she did for the twenty-four hour period was slumber and drank milk her poop was soft just not watery, she would walk effectually a bit then lie down and sleep, last dark i gave her panacur and she just slept this morning after i gave her milk which she didn't drink much of i feed her water after which she pooped and information technology was bloody and had articulate mucus in it.i chosen the vet and he said to requite her glucose water cuz she has parvo i deceit beget the four..and i live in the caribbean then nosotros dont accept a lot of access to pet meds easily...i gave her more glucose h2o and her poop was watery and blood-red simply however had difficult dark parts so im wondering if she is getting amend and what else can i practise she'south startng to drinkable the glucose on her own...what else tin can i practise....she is half dozen weeks btw thank you

Celine96 on Dec 07, 2011:

did you lot bring him to vet?

daniela on December 01, 2011:

i demand help my puppy has parvo idk wat 2 do help he is simply iii months

Star on November 18, 2011:

Thanks for the link, there is a lot of expert data there.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 14, 2011:

Your concerns are legit since the virus is highly contagious. This hub volition help you improve sympathise the virus and how to attempt to contain information technology:

Star on November fourteen, 2011:

My half-dozen month old husky puppy, Loki, just survived parvo. I have 2 other developed (and vaccinated) dogs on the premisis, both of which have shown no signs. My female person, however, has a litter of 10 pups who are v weeks onetime today. Both she and the pups have been kept isolated from Loki, equally she was given the back yard and shed for the comfort of her and the puppies since they're birth, whereas Loki and my other male were bars to the front yard and house. My question is, because I wish to keep 2 of the puppies, how do I best make the environs safety for them?

Celine96 on Nov xiv, 2011:

continue your puppy hydrated,strength her to swallow fifty-fifty she refuses

to, use bleach to clean the cage or place where she had been to brand sure the virus is killed

Adrienne Farricelli (writer) on November 06, 2011:

I am very lamentable to hear this. My deepest condolences. Yes, parvo is a terrible affliction. If you lot got your pup from a breeder I would permit him/her know what happened. You will have to clean all the areas your pup has been on and wait some time earlier getting another puppy if yous have a plan for another pup in the hereafter. Over again, I am and so sorry.

celine96 on November 05, 2011:

parvovirus not needed in this world!!!

celine96 on Nov 05, 2011:

he had just passed away this morning~

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 05, 2011:

Celine, sorry to hear that, don't hate yourself, you have no fault in this at all. Is he withal at the vets? or are yous taking care of him at dwelling?

celine96 on November 05, 2011:

ok~ thank you very much

celine96 on November 05, 2011:

i had get to the vet but at present... the md says he might not make information technology...i simply become him for i week only~ why this always happened to me? i actually hate myself!!!

Adrienne Farricelli (writer) on November 04, 2011:

Celine, volition keep him in my prayers. Keep me posted if you lot wish.

celine96 on November 04, 2011:

please help me pray for him~ thank you~

celine96 on November 04, 2011:

today is the third days, he started vomit again~ i sent him to the vet already. i thousand then worried almost him~ (sorry for my bad english)

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 03, 2011:

Yes, no vomit is a very good sign, hoping the best!

Celine96 on Nov 02, 2011:

my puppy take parvo. He vomit yesterday and so after i give him medicine and feed him, he didn't vomit~ is this good or bad sign? (sorry for my bad english)

saddude97 on Oct thirty, 2011:

Well my puppy just died like 15 min agone i will never beloved another dog again that'south a hope

Adrienne Farricelli (writer) on October 25, 2011:

Unfortunately there are no real time lines. Pups may go improve in hours, days, weeks..I have heard of pups recovering fast while others took longer..I estimate it depends on individual factors and how fast treatments are sought. My very best wishes!

Abi on October 25, 2011:

Our eight week old German Shepherd puppygirl came home with the states on Friday and was a bundle of fun until afterwards that evening she started getting depressed. Nosotros thought it was but the dejection from missing her mom and litter buddies. She ate a huge dinner of kibble and canned puppy food and then had some diarrhea but I put it down to stress. That night she got progressively more depressed and I was feeling so pitiful for her. I put heated teddies in her bed and a ticking clock nether information technology to help her feel better. Zero worked and she simply whimpered and slept. The adjacent morning afterwards keeping a sleepless night vigil with her, everthing went "pearshaped". Vomit, blood in diarrhea. I couldn't believe that stress would trigger this and phoned my vet. Shockingly he mentioned it could be Parvo and I was horrified knowing the whole litter could be at risk. I chosen the breeder and two other puppies that had not been nerveless yet were already showing symptoms. I took my pup into the vet for an IV drip and an overnight stay. The other pups were seen by another vet. Yesterday I collected a much happier puppy - still has some diarrhea but is generally well and fit although very skinny. In all the breeder lost 3 puppies. We are and so lucky to however have ours. My question is : How long do the effect of parvo last... ie the diarrhea, and are there any lasting side effects that I should be aware of? Your site was almost helpful in disarming me to telephone call the vet when I did - saving her life!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on Oct 23, 2011:

Dehydration caused past the vomiting and diarrhea is the main cause of death in parvo puppies. You can try to care for at domicile, even though ideally it would be best at a vet since the vet volition supply fluids under the skin and treat as necessary. You tin can invest in parvaid and/or try the home remedies suggested in the commodity, simply the chances for survival may reduce, however some dogs exercise best at home in visitor of the owners, and so information technology is something hard to say. Sending best wishes your manner.

Bryan Medlin on October 23, 2011:

We accept a 10 week old lab puppy that has been diagnosed with Parvo. Started throwing upwards on Monday (thought he ate a Halloween ornament so we didn't take her in till Weds). His vomiting and diarrhea has subsided but still has not gotten much meliorate. He does non accept a temperature and fear that at that place is a secondary infection that is keeping him lethargic and not interested in food. He has been in the hospital and vet since Weds (its now Sunday dark) and we are running out of coin. Nosotros are not rich and accept wearied our loans. Should be try to remedy at home. He seems to be in a constant state of lethargy. My family does not desire to give up on him but want to exercise what'due south all-time. It will have been 8 days tomorrow and we are being forced to make a difficult decision. Please advise us on what to practice. We volition practise what information technology takes if nosotros tin save him.

Gina on October xix, 2011:

I had a puppy that died last fri. We also accept two more from the aforementioned litter. Ane is ill now and one is ok. I took them to the vet and I cannot afford the IV so she sent them home with antibiotics after giving them iii shots. I to help them not to vomit, and two antibiotics. The at abode instructions are 3mg pepto as needed for airsickness. As far as feeding and hydration, do non feed any solids for 24 hrs from the concluding episode of vomiting. My puppies are 25 lbs. Every xxx min to sixty min feed 1 12mg to 24 mg, depending on how much is tolerated, in this order. First feeding manifestly water. Second feeding Sugar water, Third feeding pedialite, and Fourth feeding chicken broth. Echo and Repeat til they are meliorate. And then far she is doing ok.

Lily on October xviii, 2011:

I but found out that my next door neighbors puppy, Tiny, is very sick with some type of influenza.

He is a pitbull/rottweiler mix and he's the most beautiful dog you lot would e'er meet. He is normally extreamly hyper and loving and anybody (including the kids) in the neighborhood loves him. The vet said he has a 30% run a risk of living at domicile and they can't afford vet treatment ($3000). I researched something similar to the 30% chance living part and it said it could be parvo. He also doesn't consume or wants to drink anything, is there anything I can practise to help out?

Puppy Owner & Flagman on Oct 10, 2011:

To cure Parvo give your dog/puppy 1 mg of Tamiflu per every 10 pounds. EX: your dog may be 50 lbs so u would give him/her 5mg. This method will cure PARVO in about two-4 days.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on October 08, 2011:

Try a very banal diet similar the ane suggested in my article and go very deadening, brand small portions during the day.

Best wishes!

Jana K. on Oct 07, 2011:

Puppy is doing much better. Keeping liquids down and finally starting to walk...wag his fashion more than responsive. At present he seems hungry...looking for his nutrient bowl and climbing the counter...what should I feed him after him being so ill? He is very skinny. And I dont want to upset his stomach.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on October 07, 2011:

Maybe this hub will aid, best wishes:

AnitaSoltero on October 07, 2011:

Practise you know of any organizations that tin assistance with the costs of hospitalization for animals. I just had to take my sons puppy yesterday and she was diagnosed with parvo.. The vet was actually squeamish and allowed Moka to stay despite the fact that I had NO money. I am supposed to bring them 200 and the he will permit me to make payments on the rest.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on Oct 06, 2011:

Melanie, you can put them in ''pill pockets'' found at the pet store, or use a pill syringe your vet may sell you lot. If they are eating and keeping food down, place them in a hot dog. best wishes

jana, parvaid is about $40-50 if puppy is throwing upwards you tin freeze some pedialyte in ice cube tray and offer the ice cubes to lick slowly

Jana M. on October 06, 2011:

A calendar week or too ago... this puppy showed upwards on my porch. Long story brusk...I kept him. Yesterday I observe he wasn't as playful equally usual and notice this morn he had trown up a few times. Then it was more like a foam. Once I realized information technology could be parvo...I immediately bought some pedialyte. I take been giving it to him every hour or half...he has thrown most of it up. I am going to keep giving information technology to him. My biggest issue is at present...I cant afford to get any Parvaid. Any idea how much it is? Whatsoever other suggestions on how to become him to drink more pedialyte? I have been using a surrenge. This is heartbreaking and I dont desire to lose him. What else tin can I exercise?

Melanie on October 06, 2011:

I have two ill pitbull puppies. They take been seen past a vet and she said to give them IV treatments at domicile and some anitbiotics. My question is how can I give them their pills without them spitting it back out?

Adrienne Farricelli (writer) on October 06, 2011:

Dominick, blood in the stool is non necessarily parvo but it needs checked out by a vet as it could be acquired by parasites, coccidia, giardia, gastro-enteritis and more than. If she he is eating, drinking, playing normally I don't think it would exist parvo as parvo tends to be very ambitious. Merely having diarrhea for such a long time, she can dehydrate and get really sick. I would have a vet bank check her stool and rule parasites and parvo out for safety sake. the antibiotics however may also exist causing diarrhea. Here are some home remedies for diarrhea: dog-upset-stomach-abode...

Dominick on October 04, 2011:

I have a three month old silky terrier, I purchased Roxie through a pet shop five days ago, immediately after bringing her abode I brought her to the vet the next twenty-four hours for a check upwardly, and was diagnosed with kennel cough, she is on antibiotics, since I brought her home she also has diarreah for the past five days, and I plant blood in the diarreah, is this a sign of parvo, she eats iii to 4 times a day and drinks a lot of water and is very playful

Rosa on October 03, 2011:

My v mon old chihuahua Chico was looking sick and skinny. He wasn't barking or eating. I took him to the vet and they told me that he had Parvo (thursday eve) I didn't have the coin to accept him to another place to get treated. I came home and cryed my eyes out... in the middle of the nighttime/morning iii am I saw this page and started giving him pedialyte every so often..(saturday) while I was at piece of work my mom chosen me to give me good news.. Chico was up and somehow constitute a piffling ball of dog foodand was playing with information technology. lagter that day he was also barking :).. Delight take faith and proceed hydrating your canis familiaris.

Amy on September 28, 2011:

My sons 3 month old Pit has been puking and having the runs. I believe that she has parvo. Unfortunately I dont have the extra money to take her to the vet. We are giving her pedilyte and the vets banana said to give her like 2-three cc's of pepto to help settle her stomach. I believe that we may have defenseless information technology in time but would similar to know if the pepto is ok or will it hurt her?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 26, 2011:

FOrgot to mention, there is a product chosen Parvosol, I do not recollect it contains bleach but check the characterization to be sure.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 26, 2011:

Vets say there are no vaccines that are 100%. If I were yous I would call the vet and tell him when your five twelvemonth old domestic dog was last vaccinated and ask if a titer test would be necessary. The best product to use to disinfect against parvo is a bleach solution on all surfaces and left for at least ten minutes. Better to impale grass in your yard than hazard the life of some other dog. Parvo can alive six months or more on surfaces. Best wishes.

playmytune on September 26, 2011:

I offered to foster a puppy coming from a shelter. After the organization took this puppy in, it got sick and was taken to ER. The puppy was diagnosed with Parvo. My question at present is if this puppy survives and I take information technology into foster, what precautions will I take to accept in society to protect my dog. He is effectually 5 years old and is up to date on shots but he was heartworm positive at 1 time (he is also a rescue). Besides, I heard that the parvo virus can last years in a surface area unless taken care of. My house is all carpet. If the puppy has accidents on the rug, what tin can I use also bleach and h2o to disinfect the area.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 20, 2011:

You can try feeding bland nutrient like diluted meat-based infant food with no onion or garlic in it, ask for a product called nutrical, it is a paste that provides nourishment for sick dogs, warm upwards canned food to make it more appetible. If at that place is vomiting practice not feed for virtually 4 hours and give ice cubes instead of water.

blood in stool does non automatically hateful parvo, even though it could be. Have your vet run a fecal examination to rule out parasites and protozoans, all-time wishes!

Mel on September 18, 2011:

our x months old puppy just i day started having diarrhea and now a day afterward it is sort of bloody, i am worried to say the to the lowest degree but she will drink lots throughout the day today she had some yogurt and pepto she seems more energetic now and we have to proceed changing her nutrient to become her to consume anything more i can exercise? i actually dont desire to lose her neither does my fiancée


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