Acupuncture to Flip a Breech Baby Eau Claire Wi

turning a breech baby

The positioning of your baby is something that becomes of greater concern in your 3rd trimester. One of the biggest problems that comes upward for many 3rd trimester mothers is finding out their baby is in a breech position.

Nearly 25% of babies are breech before 28 weeks. At 32 weeks this number drops down to 7%. Past the time the pregnancy is total-term, this number drops downwards further to three-four%. In order to avoid a c-section, many women with breech babies turn to various modalities to help plough their child into a head-downward position. Overall, mothers are taking a more proactive approach. It is for this reason that acupuncture, moxibustion, postural exercises, and chiropractic care are becoming more and more popular and sought out by the birthing community.

The goal of this article is to help you empathize the basics behind acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for breech babies and what you tin expect from it. Topics nosotros'll be covering are:

  1. How does acupuncture and moxibustion help naturally turn breech babies?
  2. When is the most effective time-frame to receive the treatments?
  3. What your acupuncturist will do in your session.
  4. Does it actually piece of work: what does the research say?
  5. Is it rubber?

Breech Baby Basics

Breech positioning is basically when your babe is in a bottom or feet-starting time position  every bit opposed to a head-first position. As the statistics before showed, quite a large number of babies are breech earlier 30 weeks. Around this time, your baby's head becomes big enough to encourage a down flip via gravity's help and to position itself nicely head downward. If you are interested in the more than nitty-gritty details of breech positioning check out this article by Spinning Babies.

The biggest effect with breech positioning for mothers is that it will lead to a planned c-section. There are non many doctors or midwives in the United States that are trained in breech deliveries anymore, and and so, protocol is geared towards having these babies delivered surgically. For many women who take envisioned a vaginal or natural nascency, a breech position can be a giant obstacle towards realizing their plan.

If the baby is still in a breech position by 36 weeks your doctor may advise performing an external cephalic version (ECV) around 37 weeks. The procedure involves the doctor using pressure with their hands on your abdomen to try and maneuver the infant into a head downward position. The procedure is washed at a hospital and the baby's heartbeat is monitored to ensure the safety of the child. For many women on the natural birth road, an ECV can exist seen as a sort of final endeavor to effort and plough the kid.

How does Acupuncture Help Naturally Turn Breech Babies?

Acupuncture involves the placing of sterile, pilus-thin acupuncture needles into specific points on the trunk to create a therapeutic event. The therapeutic effect depends on the root cause of the situation. In other words, what imbalance in the body is causing the breech position.

 While in that location is no concrete certainty behind what causes a breech presentation, the following are a few theorized reasons:

  1. Under-functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  2. Depression lying placenta or other compromising position that affects the baby's power to plough
  3. Pelvic imbalances that touch the shape and space of your womb

While pelvic imbalances and placenta positioning seem like more direct contributors to your baby'due south positioning, it's fascinating that something like thyroid health tin can influence the state of affairs. It is for this reason, that your acupuncturist must accept a look at your body'south entire constitution. Addressing your unabridged health is a necessary office of supplying your body with the back up it needs to encourage a head-downward positioning.

If your thyroid is under-operation and causing symptoms like constipation, poor energy, and dry peel throughout your pregnancy, then it would be important to address that imbalance with acupuncture when yous come in for a breech handling.

Some other very common consequence is imbalances in the hip or pelvis region. This may exist due to too tight or loose uterine ligaments and muscles. These inequalities can cause the sacrum to "twist" or be asymmetrical and in turn, this can crusade the shape of the uterus to be altered equally well. This affects the infinite in which the baby resides and every bit a result, can contribute to a breech positioning. Acupuncture helps with these muscular and ligament imbalances and helps create infinite for the baby to turn.

Information technology is interesting to annotation that at that place can often be an emotional component involved in tightness of the hips or a misaligned sacrum. In acupuncture, at that place is the basic belief that the body contains multiple pathways on it. Think of them every bit freeways. These freeways run along different parts of the body, connecting with unlike muscles and organs. They have their own functions. They also correlate with dissimilar emotions. It is believed in Chinese medicine that holding on to strong emotions long-term can damage and compromise the function of the different freeways. It'southward no coincidence that that freeway related to frustration and acrimony runs across the neck and shoulders. It besides happens to be the aforementioned freeway that runs along the hips and sacrum. It's for this reason that when information technology comes to sacrum misalignment, your emotional well-existence is also taken into business relationship and addressed.

Moxibustion for breech baby: What is it and how does it work?

Moxibustion (usually referred to as moxa) is a heating therapy where acupuncture points on the body are stimulated with estrus using the herb mugwort. Moxa is unremarkably used for many different types of ailments in Chinese medicine, and one of its most prominent uses is to assist turn a breech baby naturally.

The moxa handling is done daily for ten consecutive days. The get-go handling is done with your acupuncturist, after which they will teach yous how to perform the treatment by yourself at home for the next 9 days. The home treatment will be explained in further detail below.

Moxa is performed on a single acupuncture point on the picayune toe, called Bladder 67. While there is no concrete evidence for its mechanism of action, its is believed to work by stimulating product of placental oestrogens and prostaglandins (1). The increase causes movement or contractions of the uterine muscle which in plow encourages the babe to movement, ideally into a head-down position.

Moxibustion Therapy Instructions: Step-by-Step

Photo courtesy Bob Wong @ArtofAcupuncture

During your commencement acupuncture treatment, your physician will teach yous how to perform the moxa on yourself at home. A course of moxa for breech presentation is 10 days long. If the baby has not turned head-down, a second class of 10 days is performed provided at that place is notwithstanding plenty time.

An important thing I always mention to patients is to continue the handling until the 10th day even if the baby turns before. As well, it is normal for the baby to become more agile during and right later the moxibustion therapy. The movement is a good thing considering it creates the possibility for repositioning.

Items needed:

  • Moxa stick
  • Candle
  • Ashtray
  • Mason jar


  • Using a candle or lighter, lite 1 end of the moxa stick. It may take a few minutes for the stick to actually blot the heat and start glowing red. Think of it as charcoal, it takes a chip of heating up before information technology can become a self-sufficient form of heat.
  • Moxa will be performed on the acupuncture signal Bladder 67. The point is located at the outer corner of your pinky toenail.
  • Steadily hold the moxa stick 1-2 inches away from the signal. Yous will feel a gentle warmth on the skin. Y'all desire the sensation to be comfortably warm. One time it becomes uncomfortable or also hot, you tin motion the stick back a little bit. Never let the moxa stick bear upon the pare.
  • Perform this for xv minutes on ane side, and and so do the same thing on the other foot's piddling toe for the aforementioned amount of time.
  • As the moxa stick burns, it will generate ash. Scrape the ash off the stick every few minutes  onto your ashtray. If there's likewise much ash, it can autumn off the stick and unto the peel causing a burn.
  • When yous're done with the treatment, place the stick in the mason jar and seal the lid tight in order to put out the heat.

It is possible to perform the the moxa on yourself, however, I recommend that you lot have someone else do it for you. This allows you to relax and fully experience the treatment. Afterward the moxa, I commonly have my patients exercise a round of postural exercises that encourage the infant to turn like forward leaning inversions and breech tilts.

This treatment is done once a day for 10 days.

When Should I Receive the Handling?

The ideal time to receive this type of treatment is betwixt 32-34 weeks. At this point in time, the fetus is non also big and at that place is generally sufficient time and space to assist the shift in position happen. In my  clinical exercise, we sometimes begin the treatments equally early as 30-31 weeks if we detect out the babe is breech via ultrasound. We want to tackle the root upshot every bit presently as possible if there are structural imbalances in the pelvis or other potential causative factors. Solving these imbalances before helps us avoid the anxiety of "racing against the clock" towards the finish of the pregnancy.

If the treatments behave no effect on the positioning of the fetus, the final option would be to undergo an ECV, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This is non performed whatsoever earlier than 37 weeks.

Putting it all Together

When I run across patients for breech presentations, we are rarely doing just acupuncture and moxa. I am a house believer in collaborative intendance and its synergestic effects. If y'all are able to arroyo the result from different angles and perspectives, you are more likely to get a more well-rounded result.

The top three things our breech position patients are doing:

  1. Acupuncture and moxa
  2. Chiropractic care
  3. Postural Exercises

Chiropractic care is great considering they can further work on any concrete or structural misalignments through soft tissue work and adjustments. There is fifty-fifty a specific technique for working with Breech positioning called Webster technique. Find a chiropractor who is experienced with this technique.

Postural exercises are incredibly of import! The way nosotros carry our bodies and the positions we tend to proceed our bodies in can have incredible furnishings on our pelvic alignment. A big i is to try and keep your knees below your hips when sitting. This means avoid "lazy" chairs where your buttocks and hips sink lower than your knees. This contracts the infinite in the lower part of the womb, giving your baby less infinite to turn head-down into. In terms of actual exercises to perform: check out the Spinning Babies website. They have an excellent array of different postures to perform that assistance with aligning the pelvis and encouraging the baby to flip head-down.

Is Moxibustion and Acupuncture Safe during the Third Trimester?

Yes, when performed past a licensed professional who is experienced with prenatal intendance.

Co-ordinate to a 2019 review of all the major studies washed on moxa for breech presentations, it was concluded that "all the systematic reviews agreed that in that location are no adverse effects direct related to moxibustion and acupuncture technique, and so it seems to be prophylactic" (two).

What does the research say? Does information technology actually work?

Like all things, there is no guarantee of success. Information technology is for this reason that I always recommend a iii-pronged arroyo of different modalities to ensure that yous're doing all that you tin to set you up for the highest chance of success.

In that location accept been a number of studies done on moxibustion's efficacy for turning breech babies. Below is one of the virtually studies published in a peer-review journal.

In 2019, the Show-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine journal published a research paper on the efficiacy of moxibustion for turning breech babies at 32-35 weeks (three).

Who: The study included 93 women who were 32-35 weeks significant and had a breech presentation

Intervention: The women received moxa therapy on the acupuncture signal Float 67 once a 24-hour interval for two weeks. If they were still breech later the ii weeks, they did some other round of moxibustion + acupuncture handling for iii days.

Results: 62.4% of the women had their babies turn head-down and delivered vaginally. It was concluded that moxa therapy could be an effective, low-cost treatment for turning breech babies.


1) Cooperative Research Group of Moxibustion Version of Jangxi Province. Further studies on the clinical effects and mechanism of version by moxibustion. Abstracts of the Second National Symposium on Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Acupuncture Anesthesia; 1984 Aug 7‐10; Beijing, Cathay. 1984:150‐1.




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